The mental health program at Prisma Health–Upstate is one of the largest in South Carolina, offering a wide array of psychiatric and addiction services to meet the needs of children, adolescents and adults. People turn to our caring team for many inpatient and outpatient treatment options for psychiatric illnesses or addictions.
Mental health disorders are complex, yet more common than most people realize. The number of individuals and families affected by these and associated substance abuse disorders is substantial and growing. In South Carolina, for example, nearly one in five adults has some kind of mental illness.
Currently in development are several initiatives aimed at promoting mental health as a critical element of overall wellness with an emphasis on prevention, early identification and intervention services for those at risk.
Prisma Health-Upstate Grove Point Hospital:One of the highest rates of adult and youth mental illness in the United States is found in South Carolina. Unfortunately, the state also provides some of the country’s worst access to treatment and resources. Prisma Health-Upstate is responding to this challenge with the construction of a new 65-bed psychiatric hospital that will replace the Marshall I. Pickens Hospital and its existing 65 beds, as well as expand the geriatric psychiatry unit. Prisma Health-Upstate Grove Point Hospital will expand existing child and adolescent care programs, and house adult day therapy services (partial hospitalization/intensive outpatient program).
Prisma Health-Upstate Pediatric Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF):South Carolina youth rank 37th in the nation in prevalence of mental illness, with thirty thousand children accessing Department of Mental Health (DMH) services each year. PRTFs offer intervention and healing through non-hospital long-term mental/behavioral care treatment in a secure and safe environment. Prisma Health-Upstate will build a new PRTF near the campus of Greer Memorial Hospital that will treat children under age 21 who have mental/behavioral issues that cannot be resolved within their home or community environment.
Be the difference
Your generosity supports critical patient and family areas that enhance the overall well-being and care and makes a world of difference for those receiving mental health care. Your gift is an opportunity to help shape the future of mental health for generations to come.