Your organization can make a difference
Prisma Health Upstate Foundation Community Led Fundraising Event & Activity Guidelines & Approval Process
Thank you for your interest in planning a fundraising event or other activity to benefit Prisma Health-Upstate. We look forward to exploring your ideas with you.
Fundraising Policies
Any individual or organization who intends to execute and promote a fundraiser to benefit a Prisma Health-Upstate service or program must adhere to the following guidelines and submit a completed and signed Community Led Fundraising Event & Activity Proposal Form (link is below). Proposals are reviewed and assessed to determine their alignment with Prisma Health’s mission to Inspire health. Serve with compassion. Be the difference.
All community-led fundraising events and activities require signed approval from the Prisma Health Upstate Foundation.
Promotional Materials
- All materials that mention Prisma Health or imply a connection to Prisma Health, including printed material, press releases, media promotions (visual and audio), social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) messages, signage, advertisements, broadcast emails, event websites and any other form of promotion must be approved before production by the Upstate Foundation.
- The event name or activity and graphic representation (including logo usage) must be approved in advance by the Upstate Foundation.
- Printed and/or promotional materials and other information should state, “Proceeds will benefit .” For example, “Proceeds benefit Prisma Health Children’s Hospital-Upstate.”
- The various logos of Prisma Health are registered trademarks and cannot legally be reproduced without written permission.
Proceeds and Finances
- Proceeds may not be used to offset an individual’s hospital or medical bills or as a gift to an individual or individual family.
- Promotional materials for events contributing a portion of the sale of any item to Prisma Health must state exactly how much (either percentage or specific dollar amounts) is being contributed to Prisma Health. For example, “All proceeds benefit Prisma Health” or “25 cents from every dollar raised will benefit Prisma Health” or “75% of the proceeds benefit Prisma Health”.
- Prisma Health reserves the right to approve or deny all co-beneficiaries.
- Prisma Health does not advance money to help cover expenses.
- If event or activity expenses are greater than the total collected, the individual or group conducting the event is responsible for payment of these additional expenses.
- The value of in-kind donations from sponsors should not be included in your total event revenue. In-kind donations are donations of products or services such as food, beverages, printing, or silent auction items.
- Prisma Health cannot solicit paid or in-kind sponsors for your fundraising event or activity and cannot provide any donor or patient family contact information.
- Within 30 days after the last day of the event, please provide a check made payable to Prisma Health Upstate Foundation to:
Prisma Health Office of Upstate Foundation
300 E. McBee Ave.,
Suite 201
Greenville, SC 29601
Liability Policies
- There may be times when, if circumstances warrant, a fundraising event must be canceled. Prisma Health retains the right to cancel the fundraising event through any of its directors, officers, or senior administrators. You hereby agree to cancel the event, if so directed, and further agree to release Prisma Health and all its hospitals, clinics, and programs, its officers, directors, and employees from all liability in connection with such action.
- You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Prisma Health and all its hospitals, clinics, and programs and its officers, directors, and employees from all claims and liabilities in any way related to the event.
- Sponsors are responsible for furnishing liability insurance for all activities, listing Prisma Health-Upstate as an additional insured, and providing an insurance certificate upon request.
- Your fundraising event or activity must comply with all relevant state and federal laws.
- The main contact person listed on the Proposal Form must ensure that all necessary permits, licenses, and insurance are obtained.
What You Can Expect from the Prisma Health Upstate Foundation
Prisma Health has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that its name is being used properly, that funds are being handled and accounted for in a responsible manner, and that fundraising is being conducted in a manner that is consistent with our mission, vision, and public image.
If approved, the Upstate Foundation CAN provide the following assistance:
- As appropriate, help promote your event through the Prisma Health-Upstate Giving website, social media, and other Prisma Health publications.
- Event planning expertise and advice, as appropriate.
- Acknowledgment of your direct contributions to Prisma Health-Upstate.
- Approval of the use of Prisma Health’s name and/or logos upon submission for review.
- A letter of support to validate the authenticity of the event and its organizers.
- Limited existing materials for your event, such as stickers, brochures, and videos, as appropriate.
The Upstate Foundation CANNOT provide:
- A Prisma Health-Upstate tax exemption certificate for event-related purchases.
- Distribution of fliers.
- Insurance or liability coverage.
- Funding or reimbursement for expenses.
- Confirmed attendance at the event by a Prisma Health representative, patient family, volunteers, or media.
- Mailing lists or lists of donors or vendors.
- Prisma Health-Upstate letterhead.
- Marketing or advertising services to promote the event.
We do our best to support community members to engage their passion to help programs and services at Prisma Health; however, due to limited resources, the amount of support we can provide may vary from time to time.
Complete the form below to submit your organization’s event for further review and approval.
The Prisma Health Upstate Foundation is the fundraising arm of Prisma Health–Upstate. Our purpose is to serve the private giving needs of the health system by raising and managing private gifts, then directing those funds and assets according to each donor’s intention. We connect donors with their passion for transforming health care in the Upstate, all in support of Prisma Health’s purpose:
Inspire health. Serve with compassion. Be the difference.
Prisma Health-Upstate tax identification number is: 81-172320
For more information, contact us:
864 797-7746
Prisma Health
Upstate Foundation
300 E. McBee Avenue
Suite 201
Greenville, SC 29601