Prisma Health-Upstate Foundation annual philanthropic awards recognize outstanding achievements and celebrate the generosity of our donors and clinical leaders as they inspire others to build a healthier community.
B.K. Bryan Spirit of Philanthropy Award
The B.K. Bryan Spirit of Philanthropy award was established to honor the memory and kind generosity of community philanthropist William King Bryan. The award acknowledges individuals or families whose philanthropic hearts shine in all they do.
2010 Dr. and Mrs. William DeLoache
2011 The William Bradshaw Family
2014 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Walters
2015 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dempsey
2017 Dr. and Mrs. H. Harlan Stone
2020 Mr. and Mrs. James “Duff” Bruce III and Ms. Jolley Bruce Christman
2021 McCain Childress
2022 Lisa and Roger Stevens
Be the Difference Award
The Prisma Health Office of Philanthropy established the “Be the Difference” award in 2021 to honor a Prisma Health clinician and leader who understands the impact of engagement and transformational giving.
2021 Larry Gluck, MD
2022 Robin Newton LaCroix, MD
2022 Taylor D. Stathes, MS, CTRS, CCLS